Friday, July 25, 2014

Soil Available!

I have about 1~1 1/4 cubic yards of nice clean 80 % top soil/ 20% dirt mix in a trailer parked on Venables.  
Rocks are less than about 2” and the only “weeds” are some crocus bulbs. It has been amended with some  compost as well.

If any of your garden club wants it, they can help themselves. I can also deliver the whole load and shovel it off for $25 — an $80 value from any retail landscape supplier. The proviso is that I need to have it gone by Saturday noon!

I will put it on Craigslist tomorrow but I thought I would give you and your Garden Club first crack at it.

Tak Uyede
1803 Venables Street
Vancouver, B.C. V5L 2H6
Home: 604 253 9689
Cell: 604 209 4730            

Monday, July 14, 2014

Terrific Meeting This Wednesday!

Hi Grandview Garden Club people!

Please join us for this month's meeting, July 16th (this Wednesday), at Astorino's Hall (corner of Commercial Drive and Venables), 7:00.
Our SURPRISE speaker's topic will be "Growing Vegetables and Putting Food By"... It should be lots of fun and very informative. 
Bring your friends and neighbours! $20 for yearly membership and $4 for a drop-in.
We'd love to see you there!


This is such a good summer for vegetable gardening! Here's a shot from the back lane of a spectacularly productive Kitchener St. garden... Once the corn and beans are tall, they protect the shade-loving lettuce from the hot sun.