Thursday, December 17, 2020

Membership for 2021 & Our January Zoom Meeting, Thursday, 14 January 2021, 7:00 p.m.


We've been meeting via Zoom for most of 2020, sending the meeting link to the people who had renewed their membership for 2020. 

We're going to continue meeting on Zoom in 2021 (for at least the foreseeable future). 

We invite and encourage you to join or renew your membership in the Grandview Garden Club! 

As usual, $20 gets you membership and invitations to our meetings and activities for the entire year.

e-mail us at and we'll give you easy instructions on how to quickly get your dues to our treasurer, Jill Kelly, so you don't miss a single meeting.

To encourage you to join, we already have a couple of great speakers lined up for the coming months:

In February, we will welcome back Douglas Justice, the Associate Director of UBC Botanical Garden. Douglas last spoke to us in 2017 about his plant-hunting expeditions in Vietnam. This time, his subject will be how to use shrubs as small trees in the garden.

In March, Richie Steffen, Director of the E. C. Miller Garden in Seattle, will join us through the miracle of Zoom. Richie is well-known south of the border as a knowledgeable and highly entertaining speaker. His subject is one that is dear to his heart: Ferns. If you’ve never paid much attention to these stalwarts of the shade garden, Richie will change your mind! 

We don’t usually have a January meeting, but following the enthusiasm for December's Zoom get-together and photo-sharing session, we are planning another winter celebration at 7:00 pm on January 14th to keep us all engaged and entertained through this long and challenging winter. This time, since we’re all confined to home, we’d like to go on a virtual holiday so we’re asking for your photos of gardens, or anything plant-related, that you’ve encountered on your travels in earlier years. Send two or three of your favourite images to Christine at and be prepared to add a little information about them during the showing. Please make sure your images are at least 1 MB so that they will show up sharply on the screen. Deadline for submitting photos to Christine is Monday, January 11th!!

Monday, November 23, 2020

Wreath Sale at UBC

Hello garden club member,

In upcoming events, UBC Botanical Garden is having a Christmas wreath sale starting tomorrow, November 25. If you are interested in buying one or perhaps just browsing for gifts in their shop, it's necessary to book an appointment which you can do at

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

PLANT SALE for GGC members, Saturday, June 27th

There will be a small plant sale at Janet’s for Grandview Garden Club Members, this coming Saturday, June 27th, from noon–2:00 p.m.

It's in the lane at 2061 East 3rd Ave (between 2nd and 3rd), near Lakewood. It says “2061” on the gate.

Payment — cash or cheque — is by donation and proceeds go to Grandview Garden Club.

Suggested donations depends on the size of pot: $2.00, $4.00, $7.00 (about).

Some examples of plants are:

Mukdenia rossii, Hardy Geranium psilostemon (magenta), Hardy Geranium (purply blue), Deciduous azalea (apricot flowers), Pulmonaria (Lungwort), Orange Asiatic lily, Lovage, Eryngium (Sea Holly), Pink Dianthus, Salix ‘Yezo-alpina’ (shrub), Salix ‘Melanostachys’ (shrub), Monarda (red Bee Balm), Eucomis (Pineapple Lily), Rose 'Rosa Mundi' (Pink and white flower), Stachys byzantina ‘Big Ears’(Lambs Ears), Sarcococca (Sweet Box, slow growing), Stylophorum diphyllum (yellow Celandine poppy, Woods poppy), Hebe Veronica ‘Blue Mist’, Campanula glomerata (Clustered bellflower), Tiarella (Foamflower, native plant), Ajuga reptans (Bugleweed), Helleborus argutifolius (Corsican Helebore), Podophyllum peltatum (Mayapple), Convallaria majalis (Lily of the Valley)

There’s lots of information about all of these on Google.

See you on Saturday!

Zoom Meetings for the rest of 2020...

For the last three months we have held successful and well-attended Grandview Garden Club meetings on Zoom, but they have been by invitation only to people who had paid their 2020 dues.
Looking ahead, we expect to be meeting and listening to speakers online for the remainder of this year. In view of this, we have decided to open the meetings to our wider list of occasional visitors who are invited to join now at a reduced rate.
For $10 — half our annual membership rate — you can sign up for the remainder of this year. In return, you will receive an e-mail invitation to our next four Zoom meetings in July, September, October, and November, as well as to our December potluck Christmas event if we are able to have one by then. This will be a one-time offer because of the unusual circumstances we are facing.
Among the speakers you will be able to hear will be Christine Allen on botanical gardens of Australia; Laura Caddy from UBC Botanical Garden on alpine plants; and Casey Werfl, Vancouver Park Board horticulturalist, on winterizing your garden.
If you wish to join us on Zoom, please send us an e-mail at and we'll make arrangements.
We hope to see you online at our next meeting.
If you are already a member for 2020, you do not have to do anything. You are already on our list and will receive the invitation to all meetings this year.
Happy Gardening from your friends at the Grandview Garden Club!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Fwd: Tree Peonies


My friend Chris Donovan has about 40 tree peonies that were meant to go to the VanDusen Plant Sale until it was cancelled. She is selling them for $30 each - an incredible price if you look at what nurseries charge for these. I don't think they'll last long so contact her quickly if you're interested. Google has lots of images.

If you call her, please mention my name or Grandview Garden Club so that she knows where you got the information.

Price: $30.00 each, 1 gallon pots
Available: almost anytime
Where: at Chris Donovan's house - 865 W. 49th Ave, Vancouver. (1 block east of Oak St.)
Phone: 604-264-8746 landline
Payment: Cash or Cheque


Please call before you come and let her know which cultivar you're interested in so she can put it away for you.


Here's the list of Tree Peonies - Paeonia suffruticosa available:


Stock Avail
Ruffled double
High Noon


Posted by Christine Allen

Saturday, April 11, 2020


Hello Garden Club members.

If you are itching to add to your garden in this lovely spring weather, here's an update of how our most popular local garden centres are operating during the COVID-19 restrictions. Many thanks to Janet Harper for taking the time to check them out for us.

FIGARO'S GARDEN (3rd and Victoria)

The store is closed but if you go to, you can place your order for pick up. They are currently upgrading their website and adding things daily. If there's something you want that isn't on their list, like seeds, which they do actually have, just note it in the comments on your order. It's also possible to 'browse' by looking through the fence.

MAGNET HARDWARE (2nd and Commercial)

Open 9-3 daily, except Sundays. Come with a detailed list of items you would like: seeds, plants, soil or hardware. A very efficient staff member will help you find it. No browsing as the store has narrow aisles.

HUNTER'S NURSERY (Broadway and Larch in Kitsilano)

Search what you want at Call 604-733-1534 or email your order to
Or go through the parking lot to the back gate, let an employee know what you are looking for and it will be brought out to you.
All items delivered through back gate. Credit or debit only, no cash. 
*Staff are cleaning counters, doors carts, PIN pads and other surfaces throughout the day with a disinfectant solution.

GARDENWORKS (Lougheed store)

Temporarily closed. Will re-open in a week's time with modifications for everyone's safety. Check for the latest information.

 - Posted by Christine

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Figaro's Garden Centre on Victoria Drive

Although Figaro’s store is closed due to Covid-19, they have their plant lists up and ready for ordering and pick up. Check out the link below.

Let's do what we can to help keep Figaro's afloat.

Click on "New this week"...

Also, please note, the East Vancouver Garden Tour for 2020 is cancelled. We usually have it on Father's Day. It's our one fundraiser for Britannia Neighbours, and the proceeds go to buying plants and supplies and to paying people to water and pick up litter in the Napier Square Greenway. Luckily we have a bit of cash in the bank as a cushion. So watch for the Tour to happen next summer.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Kind offer of help!

Many thanks to our member Loree Cameron who sends this message:

As a younger and less vulnerable member (that’s no humble-brag!), I want to extend an offer to anyone in our club who may be feeling uneasy about leaving their home (or is unable to do so): I can pick up supplies or groceries and deliver to your doorstep. 

This situation is not going to change anytime soon, and I want to help our community however I can.

Please don’t hesitate to call.

Loree Cameron
(Leave a message if there is no answer)

Thursday, March 12, 2020

No meeting tonight, March 12th!

We had been looking forward to having a talk on the use of colour in your garden by our own club member Anne Worrall, but we've decided to be prudent and cancel the meeting. We don't want anyone either catching or sharing the coronavirus... Apparently a person can share the virus before she becomes symptomatic. Err on the side of caution.
Wash your hands!
Enjoy your garden!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Our February 2020 Meeting – Thursday, Feb 13th, 7:00

Remember summer, when your garden looks fabulous and the outside air is as warm as the inside air?
For this month's meeting, Christine will take us back to last June's East Van Garden Tour. We'll bask in summer for an hour or so as we look at Christine's collection of photos from last year's tour and talk about all the gardens. If you were able to be go on the tour, I'm sure you'll enjoy revisiting your favourites; if you weren't able to go, now's your chance for a virtual tour. It's a good opportunity to start thinking ahead to our plans for Spring and Summer 2020.

GGC meets in the "LRC" — the Learning Resources Centre at Britannia — which is under the Britannia VPL library. As you're walking west toward the library, veer left on the walkway, walk alongside the library, and you'll come to a ramp entry to the LRC on your right. We start at 7:00 and end before 9:00.

We always have tea and goodies and a few door prizes. Try to remember to bring your own teacup. See you there!

Questions? Send us an e-mail at