Friday, February 22, 2019

B.C. Butterflyway Ranger Recruitment

There's an initiative of the David Suzuki Foundation, to recruit volunteer Butterflyway Rangers in three B.C. communities, including Vancouver.

If you think you might be interested, you need to sign up right away. Tammyanne Matthew suggested this and she says the deadline for registering is this Sunday, February 24th.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Our February Meeting ... Thursday, February 14th, 2019, 7:00 p.m.


Celebrate Valentine's Day with your friends and neighbours at the Grandview Garden Club!Our speaker this month, suggested by Ann Daskal, is Conway Lum, and the topic of his talk — I know I will be interested in this! — is "Why Does My Fruit Tree Not Flower or Set Fruit?"

Have you ever wondered why your fruit tree is not doing what it's supposed to do? Please join us to welcome Conway Lum who will talk about fruit tree quirks. He will explain how to get the best from your fruit trees, how to care for them, how to prune them, and how to deal with pest and disease problems you might encounter.

If you have issues about or problems having to do with your own fruit trees, bring your questions! Samples of your tree or fruit are also welcome (although perhaps it won't be easy to obtain them at this time of year).

You're sure to enjoy this meeting. As usual, we will meet in the "LRC" — the Learning Resources Centre, which is under the Britannia VPL library. As you're walking west toward the library, veer left on the walkway, walk alongside the library, and you'll come to a ramp entry to the LRC on your right. We start at 7:00 and end before 9:00.

We always have tea and goodies and a few door prizes. Try to remember to bring your own teacup. Also, if you haven't renewed your membership for 2019, bring your $20 too!

See you there!

Penny Street