Gailene Powell's gardening tips:
Michael Kluckner's advice on vegetables:- Put tomato cages around peonies when they are leafing out. The cages will support the blooms but be hidden by the mature foliage.
- If you cut peonies for the house, stand the vase in water in the sink overnight to get rid of ants.
- Sprinkle coffee grounds on your garden beds to deter cats
- If you are planting bamboo, buy 80 mil bamboo rhizome barrier material to install around the roots so that the bamboo doesn't spread further than you want.
• You can continue to plant lettuce, spinach, kale and Swiss chard until early August and count on getting the plants established before winter. All of them, even including the lettuce if it is mulched for protection, will make it through the winter and give fresh spring greens next March/April, well before any new plants can grow.
• Try planting peas again – my Spring pea crop planted in April has been fried by the hot sun and needs to be clipped off and cleared away. However, leave the old pea roots in the ground as they will continue to fix nitrogen into the soil.