Here is a short list of invasive plants that we do not want you to sell at the Oct 15th GGC Plant Sale!
Bishop's Weed, Ground Elder (Aegopodium podograria)
Each meeting of the Grandview Garden Club features a special speaker on a topic relevant to Grandview gardeners. Bring your ideas, questions, gardening concerns. We meet about once a month. Club dues are $20 per calendar year or $4 to drop in. The club is an offshoot of Britannia Neighbours, the group that looks after the Napier Square Greenway at Britannia and that puts on the East Van Garden Tour every June.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Plant & Seed Sale, Wednesday, Oct 15th
Hi Grandview Garden Club people,
For our October meeting, instead of a special speaker, we will be having a Plant & Seed Sale, 7:00-9:00, Wednesday, Oct 15th, Astorino’s.
All club members are invited to sell plants and/or seeds.
Please let us know if you want to sell.
If you sell, you are welcome to keep your profits or we would really appreciate it if you were to donate your profits or a portion of them to the Grandview Garden Club.
We won’t be charging our usual $4 meeting drop-in fee that night. Anyone can come.
* Do not bring any invasive plants to sell!
* Make sure your pots are clean.
* Label everything you want to sell.
* Price things yourself.
* Bring some plastic shopping bags for people to take their plants home in.
* Be prepared to take home anything you bring that doesn't sell!
Thanks very much, and we’ll see you on Wednesday, Oct 15th!
PS – To hear the latest Grandview Garden Club news, please enter your e-mail address on the right-hand side of this page where it says “Follow Grandview Garden Club” … You will be notified of new posts right away.
Penny Street
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Upcoming events
Saturday, September 20, 12 noon - 4 p.m: Fall Plant Sale, Alpine Garden Club of BC. Floral Hall at VanDusen Botanical Garden, 37th and Oak St. Free entry. Details at
Sunday, September 21, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Tree talk on Paulownia tomentosa, the Empress tree. Dr. Sun Yat Sen Park, Columbia St. entrance. Details at artislandnetwork.comSaturday, September 13, 2014
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Next Meeting, Sept 17th, Wednesday, 7:00
Our next
meeting will be Wednesday, Sept 17th, at Astorino's Hall (Britannia), on the corner of Commercial and Venables.
Our guest speaker, Douglas Justice, Associate Director UBC Botanical Garden, will talk about “Trees of Vancouver”. Douglas will introduce UBC's new app for identifying trees around Vancouver and will answer your questions about suitable trees for East Vancouver city lots.
He's knowledgeable about all sorts of trees but has a particular expertise in maples.
Our guest speaker, Douglas Justice, Associate Director UBC Botanical Garden, will talk about “Trees of Vancouver”. Douglas will introduce UBC's new app for identifying trees around Vancouver and will answer your questions about suitable trees for East Vancouver city lots.
He's knowledgeable about all sorts of trees but has a particular expertise in maples.
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