Sunday, September 13, 2015

Our October meeting!

Our next meeting is October 8th, 7:00 p.m. and the speaker is Bardia Khaledi and his topic is Native Plants.

Bardia is an educator, a native-plant advocate, and a seed-saver. He currently heads the Seedsavers group at VanDusen Botanical Garden. Bardia sees gardening, and the creation of gardens, as an exercise of symbiotic co-existence with nature. His gardening philosophy focuses on diverse groupings of plants that are valuable for their flowers, seeds, and fruits because they attract wildlife and create self-sustaining ecosystems that nourish us. 

Find out more about Bardia at his beautiful and informative website:

Note, also, that we now meet in the Britannia Community Centre’s LRC (the Learning Resources Centre), which is under the VPL library branch. You enter the meeting room from the south side of the library building. 

Our meetings are on the second Thursday of the month, 7:00 p.m.

We hope to see you there!

Bardia Khaledi in the Steveston Educational Garden.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Upcoming Events!

Pt. Grey Chrysanthemum Association — Early Chrysanthemum Show
Saturday, September 12, 12–4 pm Sunday, September 13, 10 am–4 pm
Location: Floral Hall, VanDusen Botanical Garden  
Admission: Free 

Alpine Garden Club of BC — Fall Plant Sale 
Saturday, September 19, 12 pm–4 pm. 
Location: Floral Hall, VanDusen Botanical Garden
Admission: Free

Dried Flower Arrangers' Sale
Friday, September 25, 2–4 pm
Saturday, September 26 and Sunday,  September 27, 10 am–4pm  
Sale of dried flower topiaries, centrepieces, wreaths, bouquets and arrangements created with materials grown at VanDusen Botanical Garden.
Location: HSBC Arrival Hall in the Visitor Centre, VanDusen Botanical Garden
Admission: Free

Annual Compost, Soil and Bulb Sale
Saturday, September 26, 10 am–3 pm   
Bulb Location: Entrance Plaza off the parking lot
Compost, Soil and Manure Location: West end of VanDusen parking lot off 37th Avenue.

Red Label Topsoil from high grade organics
Brown Label Manure: essential organic mix 
Compost from Harvest Power

Price: $5 per bag (about 20 litres / 20 lbs.)

PRE-­ORDERS: Pre-Order at 
Pick up for Pre-­orders (west end of the VanDusen parking lot):
Wednesday Sept. 23rd, 10 am–12
Thursday Sept. 24th, 12–2 pm
Friday Sept. 25th, 10 am–12

Monday, September 7, 2015

Our September meeting!

School resumes this week, and — happily — so does the Grandview Garden Club! Our meeting is Thursday, September 10th. And from now on we are meeting in the Britannia Learning Resources Centre (the "LRC"), the meeting room in the basement under the Britannia library branch (spot 38 on the map below). Enter where the wheelchair image is.

Our speaker for this month is Gwen Odermatt. She will speak to us about choosing the right plants for Vancouver’s conditions and climate. Our conditions and climate seem to be shifting rather dramatically these days, so this is a very pertinent topic!

Gwen is a lifelong gardener whose interest in the natural world led to a degree in science at the University of Alberta. For the last 20 years she has operated Petals and Butterflies, a farm nursery in Langley that specializes in growing plants that attract butterflies and other beneficial wildlife to gardens. The nursery offers an always-interesting collection of rare and unusual ornamental plants that she sells via consignment; for example, her plants can be found in the perennial section of the VanDusen Plant Sale.

She is on the Selection Committee for Great Plants Picks, is a member of the Vancouver Hardy Plant Group and was on the organizing committee for the Hardy Plant Study Weekend 2013, and belongs to the South Surrey Garden Club.

Her garden has been open recently for local, national, and international tours, and is open to garden clubs by request.