Our next meeting is October 8th, 7:00 p.m. and the speaker is Bardia Khaledi and his topic is Native Plants.
Bardia is an educator, a native-plant
advocate, and a seed-saver. He currently heads the Seedsavers group at VanDusen
Botanical Garden. Bardia sees gardening, and the creation of gardens, as an
exercise of symbiotic co-existence with nature. His gardening philosophy
focuses on diverse groupings of plants that are valuable for their flowers,
seeds, and fruits because they attract wildlife and create self-sustaining
ecosystems that nourish us.
Find out more about Bardia at his beautiful and informative website:
Note, also, that we now meet in the Britannia Community
Centre’s LRC (the Learning Resources Centre), which is under the VPL library
branch. You enter the meeting room from the south side of the library building.
Our meetings are on the second
Thursday of the month, 7:00 p.m.
We hope to see you there!