Friday, October 12, 2018

Upcoming events...

Our next meeting will be Thursday, November 8th, and our speaker is Patrick Moore whose topic will be "Lakewood Garden Tips".

Patrick's street garden, at the corner of Lakewood and Turner, was a feature of this year's East Van Garden Tour, and he will talk to us about the successes and challenges of creating this productive and ever-changing garden in a very public space.

In the meantime, you may want to follow Patrick's blog about his garden.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Our October Meeting, Oct 11th!

This month's speaker is Bob Tuckey, and his topic is "Growing Native Plants in Your Garden."  Most people don't realize the variety of native plants they can grow in their own gardens. Native plants provide interest, food, and shelter for birds and small mammals; they are also generally easy to care for, once they are established. Bob will be highlighting a selection of native trees, shrubs, and perennials that do well and will add interest to your West Coast garden.

In 2003, after years of being passionate about plants, Bob opened The Natural Gardener garden store on West 10th, specializing in native, rare, and unusual plants. He ran the store until 2015, when he closed it. Since then, he has been an Assistant Manager at Hunter's Garden Centre on West Broadway. Over the years, Bob has been featured on TV, in the newspaper, and in several gardening magazines.

You're sure to enjoy this meeting. As usual, we will meet in the "LRC" — the Learning Resources Centre, which is under the Britannia VPL library. As you're walking west toward the library, veer left, walk alongside the library, and you'll come to a ramp entry to the LRC on your right. We start at 7:00 and end before 9:00.

Bring your gardening questions and concerns ... and your ideas for topics or speakers for upcoming meetings.

We always have tea and goodies and a few door prizes. See you there!