Friday, December 14, 2018

Proposed changes to Clinton Park FYI

Kathy Lau, a GGC member, has asked us to post information about a proposed major changes to Clinton Park and to ask people to please go to the City website and express that you don't want these changes to take place.

She says: If you want to keep all of Clinton Park as your neighbourhood park, it’s important to act now. Get everyone in your family to take the survey. It counts.

You will see choices  ….  Please add your comments and put in your postal code.

No. We don’t want half of Clinton Park fenced off & not fully available to the neighbourhood. 
No. We don’t want synthetic (plastic) turf which is toxic .
No. We don’t want bleachers, bright field lights around the park or more noise & traffic.

Do you agree or disagree with installing a new lit synthetic turf field at Clinton Park?
  Strongly agree 
 Somewhat agree 
 Somewhat disagree 
 Totally disagree  (please click Totally disagree)
 Don't know 

The city is increasing density in our neighbourhood
We need Clinton Park to remain fully available and accessible to everyone.

For more information, please contact Clinton Neighbourhood Committee at