Remember summer, when your garden looks fabulous and the outside air is as warm as the inside air?For this month's meeting, Christine will take us back to last June's East Van Garden Tour. We'll bask in summer for an hour or so as we look at Christine's collection of photos from last year's tour and talk about all the gardens. If you were able to be go on the tour, I'm sure you'll enjoy revisiting your favourites; if you weren't able to go, now's your chance for a virtual tour. It's a good opportunity to start thinking ahead to our plans for Spring and Summer 2020.
GGC meets in the "LRC" — the Learning Resources Centre at Britannia — which is under the Britannia VPL library. As you're walking west toward the library, veer left on the walkway, walk alongside the library, and you'll come to a ramp entry to the LRC on your right. We start at 7:00 and end before 9:00.
We always have tea and goodies and a few door prizes. Try to remember to bring your own teacup. See you there!
Questions? Send us an e-mail at grandviewgardenclub@gmail.com.