Thursday, December 17, 2020

Membership for 2021 & Our January Zoom Meeting, Thursday, 14 January 2021, 7:00 p.m.


We've been meeting via Zoom for most of 2020, sending the meeting link to the people who had renewed their membership for 2020. 

We're going to continue meeting on Zoom in 2021 (for at least the foreseeable future). 

We invite and encourage you to join or renew your membership in the Grandview Garden Club! 

As usual, $20 gets you membership and invitations to our meetings and activities for the entire year.

e-mail us at and we'll give you easy instructions on how to quickly get your dues to our treasurer, Jill Kelly, so you don't miss a single meeting.

To encourage you to join, we already have a couple of great speakers lined up for the coming months:

In February, we will welcome back Douglas Justice, the Associate Director of UBC Botanical Garden. Douglas last spoke to us in 2017 about his plant-hunting expeditions in Vietnam. This time, his subject will be how to use shrubs as small trees in the garden.

In March, Richie Steffen, Director of the E. C. Miller Garden in Seattle, will join us through the miracle of Zoom. Richie is well-known south of the border as a knowledgeable and highly entertaining speaker. His subject is one that is dear to his heart: Ferns. If you’ve never paid much attention to these stalwarts of the shade garden, Richie will change your mind! 

We don’t usually have a January meeting, but following the enthusiasm for December's Zoom get-together and photo-sharing session, we are planning another winter celebration at 7:00 pm on January 14th to keep us all engaged and entertained through this long and challenging winter. This time, since we’re all confined to home, we’d like to go on a virtual holiday so we’re asking for your photos of gardens, or anything plant-related, that you’ve encountered on your travels in earlier years. Send two or three of your favourite images to Christine at and be prepared to add a little information about them during the showing. Please make sure your images are at least 1 MB so that they will show up sharply on the screen. Deadline for submitting photos to Christine is Monday, January 11th!!