Grandview Garden Club is meeting face-to-face on Thursday, September 8th. No Zoom this month! But please be sure to wear a mask. Drop-ins for non-members, $4.
Our speaker is Lori Weidenhammer ("Madame Beespeaker") who will give a presentation on Growing Herbs for Humans and Bees. She will focus on plants that are medicinal and appetizing for humans and our favourite pollinators. Many edible and medicinal plants are a boon for humans and bees. Find out how you can create an “herbaliscious” garden that fills your pantry while feeding pollinators. Lori will focus on some edible annuals that are easy to grow and some perennial “keystone” herbs which are an essential part of the infrastructure of a healthy pollinator garden.
Lori Weidenhammer is a Vancouver performance-based interdisciplinary artist and educator. She is originally from a tiny hamlet called Cactus Lake, Saskatchewan. It was in this place, bordered by wheat fields and wild prairie, that she first became enchanted with bees.
For the past several years she has been appearing as the persona Madame Beespeaker, practising the tradition of “telling the bees”. As a food security volunteer and activist Lori works with students of all ages on eating locally and gardening for pollinators. On occasion, she likes to dress up in silly costumes and talk to bees.
Lori's web site is Victory Gardens for Bees. Follow Lori on Instagram @beespeaker.
This is going to be an in-person meeting and Lori will bring copies of her book, Victory Gardens for Bees: A DIY Guide to Saving the Bees, published by Douglas and MacIntyre. The list price is $26.95. Please bring cash or a cheque if you think you might like a copy.
You're sure to enjoy this meeting. We will meet in the "LRC" — the Learning Resources Centre, which is downstairs from the Britannia VPL library branch. As you're walking west toward the library, veer left on the walkway, walk alongside the library, and you'll come to a ramp entry to the LRC on your right. We start at 7:00 and end before 9:00.
Please be sure to wear a mask for everyone’s comfort.
We will have tea and goodies and a few door prizes. Try to remember to bring your own teacup.
As well, bring along your gardening friends who aren’t quite ready to join the club but want to come to the occasional meeting. Now that we’re back to meeting in person, we are happy to be reinstating our $4 drop-ins.
Questions? Send us an e-mail at
What’s beautiful or interesting in your garden this month? Please bring a sample of something from your garden.
So... Bring a mask, a cup, a friend, a cutting or plant from your garden. See you there!