See below. We're co-hosting with Seed to Sky and meeting at 7 pm. It's Gary Lewis and his presentation "The Complete Talk on Groundcovers," in the Lower Hall of Cityview Church at East 28th and Sophia. Please enter from East 28th.
He will be bringing a few plants to sell, so please bring cash if you think you'd like to buy some.
From: Elaine Spilos <>
Date: Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 1:05 PM
Subject: Subject October 4th meeting reminder: "The Complete Talk on Groundcovers"
To: <>Seed to Sky and Grandview Garden Clubs are co-hosting this month. Gary Lewis is presenting on "The Complete Talk on Groundcovers," in the Lower Hall of Cityview Church at East 28th and Sophia. Please enter from East 28th.
Wednesday, October 4, 7 pm
Gary, our presenter, is an avid plant person, the author of The Complete Book of Ground Covers, a sought-after speaker, and the owner of Phoenix Perennials in Richmond. We are thrilled to have him with us.He will talk to us about the functional and aesthetic value of groundcovers, and inspire us with his beautiful photos of these valuable plants.Please remember to bring:
- a mug for tea
- a donation for the draw table or refreshment table
- a pillow/something soft to cushion your chair (if you get a metal one)
- $5 drop-in fee for non-members (of either club)
We would appreciate some Seed to Sky helping hands arriving early at 6:30 to 6:45 to help set up chairs and the tables. Thank you in advance.Seed to Sky members, another reminder, this time about the quest for a logo for our club. Thank you for the interest that has been shown already. Please submit your design by December 6, the date of our last event of this year, to on behalf of the executive.See you on October 4th, 7 pm!Elaine SpilosSeed to Sky Education Coordinator