Monday, February 26, 2024

GGC's new meeting day, new venue! Next meeting, March 12th!

We're changing both our meeting day and our venue and we just want to make sure you save the date. March 12th.

 Our new meeting place is the community room at Templeton Pool. It’s a nice big room and perfect for us. It was available on Tuesdays. Now we’ll be meeting on the second TUESDAY of each month (except for April, which is Templeton's pool-maintenance closure). We’re not sure where we’ll meet for April — it might be an outing or it might be Zoom —  but we’ll let you know.

 So our first meeting at Templeton will be on Tuesday, March 12th.

 Topic: Lawn Alternatives: Enhancing the Ecological Value of Your Garden by Replacing Your Lawn with Low Groundcovers

 Speaker: Jane Sherrott.

 Jane is a hobby gardener who lives on the North Shore. She has been a knowledgeable and valued member of the Vancouver Master Gardeners Association since 1998. Like many of us, she is trying to learn more about developing ecologically-vibrant habitat in her garden and her presentation will share how she has seen life return to the previously grassed areas at her home and cabin on the Sunshine Coast after she replaced the lawns with easy-care, low plants  that require minimal care or watering once established.  

 Manicured grass lawns attract chemicals, mowers and blowersJane will discuss planting tough, easy-care groundcovers that support butterflies, bees and birds across all four seasons while also serving as a usable lawn.

Any questions? Send an email to