Monday, May 26, 2014

GardenWorks Discount for Members.

Grandview Garden Club members can now receive a 10% discount on purchases at GardenWorks stores on production of a valid membership card. You will be asked to register your name and telephone number on your first visit. On future visits you will need to produce your card and also confirm your phone number.

It is worth noting that their Lougheed Highway location (the one closest to Grandview) has had an outbreak of European fire ants, a very aggressive, stinging ant. Although the nursery is dealing with the problem, it is best to take precautions by sinking any plants you buy in a bucket of water for 24 hours. Any ants that float to the top should be collected in a baggie and frozen for 24 hours before being disposed of in a sealed bag in the garbage.

Because this ant has been discovered in several locations around Vancouver recently, this is a sensible routine to follow on any plant purchases this season.

Posted by Christine Allen

Friday, May 23, 2014

Members sharing with Members

Hay there.

I was just given a bale of hay - WAY more than I can use! so I am looking to see if anyone might be interested in having some. I just used a small bit of it in my pathways. 
Folks could just help themselves from my spot - Salsbury and Adanac. 

Free Chips (wood, that is.)

Can you forward to the group that I have some free wood chips available (for paths, mulch etc). 

There is a big pile in the driveway of 1513 Salsbury (btw Gravely and Grant) and anyone is free to come and grab as much as they like. (note that there is some cedar in there that some folks react to)


Upcoming Events

May 24: 11:30am -1:00 pm. A View Within a View: Garden Expressions, Exchanges & Explorations. Free lecture at UBC with guest speakers from Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden, UBC Botanical Garden and Nitobe Japanese Garden.  Details here.

May 31 - June 1
: North Shore Art in the Garden Tour. More information and tickets here.

June 1st: Vancouver Heritage Foundation Heritage House Tour. Some of the houses have lovely gardens. A highlight is Casa Mia, the former Reifel family mansion on Southwest Marine Drive. More information here.

June 15: East Van Garden Tour. Our own annual neighbourhood event, this year featuring Strathcona gardens. If you haven't already bought your ticket, go here for information.

Posted by Christine Allen

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Next Meeting, May 21st

Please join us for the second meeting of the Grandview Garden Club, this coming Wednesday, May 21st, 7:00 at Astorino's Hall (now run by Britannia Centre) at the corner of Venables and Commercial Drive. Our guest speaker for the evening is Pat Logie, who will talk about container gardening and hanging baskets. As part of her talk, she will demonstrate the construction of a hanging basket and one lucky person in the audience will be able to take the demo basket home!
Paul Kjekstad will also be providing us with a few Gardening Tips for the month of May!
If you have any questions, let us know.
Penny Street

Monday, May 5, 2014

East Vancouver Garden Tour — Father's Day!

Take your Dad on Tour! On Sunday, June 15th, visit a dozen or so private gardens as well as several public spaces that have been "greened" by East Vancouver residents. This year’s self-guided tour will take you into some of the most creative gardens in the Strathcona neighbourhood of East Vancouver. Once you arrive at the starting place for the tour, you will likely be able to walk the entire route. Tickets are $12 per person. Register early, as the tour is very popular and tickets are limited. Purchase tickets in advance at Figaro's Garden (cash only) or register in advance after May 6th through Britannia Centre, in person at 1661 Napier Street, online at, or by phone at 604-718-5800.On the day of the tour, you pick up your map at Tour Headquarters at Figaro's Garden, 1896 Victoria Drive, and then head over to Strathcona.The tour is jointly sponsored by Britannia Neighbours, Britannia Centre, and Figaro's Garden Centre.Note that most gardens are not wheelchair-accessible, children must be 12 years or older or babes in arms, and pets are not allowed.For more information, visit the Garden Tour website at