Sunday, May 18, 2014

Next Meeting, May 21st

Please join us for the second meeting of the Grandview Garden Club, this coming Wednesday, May 21st, 7:00 at Astorino's Hall (now run by Britannia Centre) at the corner of Venables and Commercial Drive. Our guest speaker for the evening is Pat Logie, who will talk about container gardening and hanging baskets. As part of her talk, she will demonstrate the construction of a hanging basket and one lucky person in the audience will be able to take the demo basket home!
Paul Kjekstad will also be providing us with a few Gardening Tips for the month of May!
If you have any questions, let us know.
Penny Street

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    At last nights meeting I announced to exciting upcoming events.
    The first is happening this coming weekend .

    Painting Workshop at my Garden Studio
    All levels welcome

    Learn how to move from sketch into a finish painting. This workshop will take place out in the garden unless it is raining. What is special besides painting in the garden is that my neighbours and I decided to take down our fences and so we have a 3 lot garden with my studio right in the middle. A joy and a pleasure to paint!

    Located at 2063 Grant Street

    Saturday, May 24
    10:00 - 12:30 pm One spot left
    Sunday, May 25 FULL
    1:30 - 4:00 pm

    ***NEW : extra workshop
    Saturday May 24th 1:30 -4:00pm

    Cost: $40.00 materials not included ( material list provided when registered)
    Materials included $50.00

    On MAY31 and JUNE 1st it is the
    Art in the Garden Tour
    sponsored by the North Shore Community Council.
    A beautiful and fun way to spend your weekend!
    The Art in the Garden Tour is a 2-day self-guided tour of North Shore gardens. 16 gardens, 37 artists and 32 muscians.

    I will be participating in it this year. Please come and visit me. There will be live music and refreshments.
    I will be exhibiting at #6 Garden
    338 East 14th Street.

    See you soon!
