Saturday, March 11, 2017

Excellent March Meeting!

We did have a splendid March meeting.... I'm sorry I didn't post to the website about the meeting, but I did send an e-mail to everyone on our mailing list — members and past members, etc. — so I hope everyone who might have attended did know about it. I blame this dang winter flu! My apologies.

Do renew your membership!


This is what I sent out in the e-mail:

For Our March Meeting... THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 2017
There's a tiny whiff of Spring in the air... and at our meeting this Thursday, two of our members will share their expertise:
  • Osteo-Arthritis and Ergonomic Aids for Gardeners  — Valerie Gray will talk to us about strategies to reduce pain and remain active while gardening if you have OA ... and generally for all gardeners. Topics include issues with knees, back and hands; joint-protection principles; pacing; equipment; garden set-up and assistive devices.
  • Michael Kluckner will assess  The Vegetable Garden in Early Spring. What has overwintered, what to sow now, strategies for best results.
As usual, we will meet in the "LRC" — the Britannia Learning Resources Centre, which is under the VPL library. As you're walking toward the library, veer left, walk alongside it, and you'll come to a ramp entry to the LRC on your right. We start at 7:00 and end before 9:00.
Bring your gardening questions and concerns ... and your ideas for topics or speakers for upcoming meetings.
We always have tea and goodies and a few door prizes.
Questions? Visit our website at
If you have plants or seeds that need new homes, bring your extras to the meeting to share or trade with other folks in the gardening community.
Bring what you have and take what you can use. It's all free, of course.


If you haven't yet done so, bring $20 to the meeting and renew your membership! If you don't renew, but want to come to a meeting, it's a $4 drop in.

By joining, you help us to stay solvent and to pay generous honoraria to our guest speakers.
Plus, with a membership, you get discounts at most garden shops including GardenWorks, Figaro's, and Magnet Hardware (for garden-related purchases but not counting "sea soil"). Show your membership card at any garden store; many of them give discounts to members of any garden club.



Bring a sample of something from your garden that looks just fantastic on the day of our meeting.

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